
NOTE: w_truncate only deletes iteration groups from the HDF5 data store. It is recommended that any iteration data saved to the file system (e.g. in the traj_segs directory) is deleted or moved for the corresponding iterations.


w_truncate [-h] [-r RCFILE] [--quiet | --verbose | --debug] [--version] [-n N_ITER]

Remove all iterations after a certain point in a WESTPA simulation.

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-n N_ITER, --iter N_ITER
                      Truncate this iteration and those following.

general options:

-r RCFILE, --rcfile RCFILE
                      use RCFILE as the WEST run-time configuration file (default: west.cfg)
--quiet               emit only essential information
--verbose             emit extra information
--debug               enable extra checks and emit copious information
--version             show program's version number and exit