
WARNING: w_stateprobs is being deprecated. Please use w_direct instead.


w_stateprobs trace [-h] [-W WEST_H5FILE] [--first-iter N_ITER] [--last-iter N_ITER]
                         [--step-iter STEP] [-a ASSIGNMENTS] [-o OUTPUT] [-k KINETICS]
                         [--disable-bootstrap] [--disable-correl] [--alpha ALPHA]
                         [--autocorrel-alpha ACALPHA] [--nsets NSETS] [-e {cumulative,blocked,none}]
                         [--window-frac WINDOW_FRAC] [--disable-averages]

Calculate average populations and associated errors in state populations from weighted ensemble data. Bin assignments, including macrostate definitions, are required. (See “w_assign –help” for more information).

Output format

The output file (-o/–output, usually “direct.h5”) contains the following dataset:

/avg_state_probs [state]
  (Structured -- see below) Population of each state across entire
  range specified.

/avg_color_probs [state]
  (Structured -- see below) Population of each ensemble across entire
  range specified.

If –evolution-mode is specified, then the following additional datasets are available:

/state_pop_evolution [window][state]
  (Structured -- see below). State populations based on windows of
  iterations of varying width.  If --evolution-mode=cumulative, then
  these windows all begin at the iteration specified with
  --start-iter and grow in length by --step-iter for each successive
  element. If --evolution-mode=blocked, then these windows are all of
  width --step-iter (excluding the last, which may be shorter), the first
  of which begins at iteration --start-iter.

/color_prob_evolution [window][state]
  (Structured -- see below). Ensemble populations based on windows of
  iterations of varying width.  If --evolution-mode=cumulative, then
  these windows all begin at the iteration specified with
  --start-iter and grow in length by --step-iter for each successive
  element. If --evolution-mode=blocked, then these windows are all of
  width --step-iter (excluding the last, which may be shorter), the first
  of which begins at iteration --start-iter.

The structure of these datasets is as follows:

  (Integer) Iteration at which the averaging window begins (inclusive).

  (Integer) Iteration at which the averaging window ends (exclusive).

  (Floating-point) Expected (mean) value of the observable as evaluated within
  this window, in units of inverse tau.

  (Floating-point) Lower bound of the confidence interval of the observable
  within this window, in units of inverse tau.

  (Floating-point) Upper bound of the confidence interval of the observable
  within this window, in units of inverse tau.

  (Floating-point) The standard error of the mean of the observable
  within this window, in units of inverse tau.

  (Integer) Correlation length of the observable within this window, in units
  of tau.

Each of these datasets is also stamped with a number of attributes:

  (Floating-point) Alpha value of confidence intervals. (For example,
  *alpha=0.05* corresponds to a 95% confidence interval.)

  (Integer) Number of bootstrap data sets used in generating confidence

  (Floating-point) Alpha value for determining correlation lengths.

Command-line options

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

WEST input data options:

-W WEST_H5FILE, --west-data WEST_H5FILE
                      Take WEST data from WEST_H5FILE (default: read from the HDF5 file specified in

iteration range:

--first-iter N_ITER   Begin analysis at iteration N_ITER (default: 1).
--last-iter N_ITER    Conclude analysis with N_ITER, inclusive (default: last completed iteration).
--step-iter STEP      Analyze/report in blocks of STEP iterations.

input/output options:

                      Bin assignments and macrostate definitions are in ASSIGNMENTS (default:
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      Store results in OUTPUT (default: stateprobs.h5).

input/output options:

-k KINETICS, --kinetics KINETICS
                      Populations and transition rates are stored in KINETICS (default: assign.h5).

confidence interval calculation options:

--disable-bootstrap, -db
                      Enable the use of Monte Carlo Block Bootstrapping.
--disable-correl, -dc
                      Disable the correlation analysis.
--alpha ALPHA         Calculate a (1-ALPHA) confidence interval' (default: 0.05)
--autocorrel-alpha ACALPHA
                      Evaluate autocorrelation to (1-ACALPHA) significance. Note that too small an
                      ACALPHA will result in failure to detect autocorrelation in a noisy flux signal.
                      (Default: same as ALPHA.)
--nsets NSETS         Use NSETS samples for bootstrapping (default: chosen based on ALPHA)

calculation options:

-e {cumulative,blocked,none}, --evolution-mode {cumulative,blocked,none}
                      How to calculate time evolution of rate estimates. ``cumulative`` evaluates rates
                      over windows starting with --start-iter and getting progressively wider to --stop-
                      iter by steps of --step-iter. ``blocked`` evaluates rates over windows of width
                      --step-iter, the first of which begins at --start-iter. ``none`` (the default)
                      disables calculation of the time evolution of rate estimates.
--window-frac WINDOW_FRAC
                      Fraction of iterations to use in each window when running in ``cumulative`` mode.
                      The (1 - frac) fraction of iterations will be discarded from the start of each

misc options:

--disable-averages, -da
                      Whether or not the averages should be printed to the console (set to FALSE if flag
                      is used).