

w_init [-h] [-r RCFILE] [--quiet | --verbose | --debug] [--version] [--force]
             [--bstate-file BSTATE_FILE] [--bstate BSTATES] [--tstate-file TSTATE_FILE]
             [--tstate TSTATES] [--segs-per-state N] [--no-we]
             [--serial | --parallel | --work-manager WORK_MANAGER] [--n-workers N_WORKERS]
             [--zmq-mode MODE] [--zmq-comm-mode COMM_MODE] [--zmq-write-host-info INFO_FILE]
             [--zmq-read-host-info INFO_FILE] [--zmq-upstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT]
             [--zmq-upstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT] [--zmq-downstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT]
             [--zmq-downstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT] [--zmq-master-heartbeat MASTER_HEARTBEAT]
             [--zmq-worker-heartbeat WORKER_HEARTBEAT] [--zmq-timeout-factor FACTOR]
             [--zmq-startup-timeout STARTUP_TIMEOUT] [--zmq-shutdown-timeout SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT]

Initialize a new WEST simulation, creating the WEST HDF5 file and preparing the first iteration’s segments. Initial states are generated from one or more “basis states” which are specified either in a file specified with –bstates-from, or by one or more “–bstate” arguments. If neither –bstates-from nor at least one “–bstate” argument is provided, then a default basis state of probability one identified by the state ID zero and label “basis” will be created (a warning will be printed in this case, to remind you of this behavior, in case it is not what you wanted). Target states for (non- equilibrium) steady-state simulations are specified either in a file specified with –tstates-from, or by one or more –tstate arguments. If neither –tstates-from nor at least one –tstate argument is provided, then an equilibrium simulation (without any sinks) will be performed.

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--force               Overwrite any existing simulation data
--bstate-file BSTATE_FILE, --bstates-from BSTATE_FILE
                      Read basis state names, probabilities, and (optionally) data references from
--bstate BSTATES      Add the given basis state (specified as a string 'label,probability[,auxref]')
                      to the list of basis states (after those specified in --bstates-from, if any).
                      This argument may be specified more than once, in which case the given states
                      are appended in the order they are given on the command line.
--tstate-file TSTATE_FILE, --tstates-from TSTATE_FILE
                      Read target state names and representative progress coordinates from
--tstate TSTATES      Add the given target state (specified as a string
                      'label,pcoord0[,pcoord1[,...]]') to the list of target states (after those
                      specified in the file given by --tstates-from, if any). This argument may be
                      specified more than once, in which case the given states are appended in the
                      order they appear on the command line.
--segs-per-state N    Initialize N segments from each basis state (default: 1).
--no-we, --shotgun    Do not run the weighted ensemble bin/split/merge algorithm on newly-created

general options:

-r RCFILE, --rcfile RCFILE
                      use RCFILE as the WEST run-time configuration file (default: west.cfg)
--quiet               emit only essential information
--verbose             emit extra information
--debug               enable extra checks and emit copious information
--version             show program's version number and exit

parallelization options:

--serial              run in serial mode
--parallel            run in parallel mode (using processes)
--work-manager WORK_MANAGER
                      use the given work manager for parallel task distribution. Available work
                      managers are ('serial', 'threads', 'processes', 'zmq'); default is 'serial'
--n-workers N_WORKERS
                      Use up to N_WORKERS on this host, for work managers which support this option.
                      Use 0 for a dedicated server. (Ignored by work managers which do not support
                      this option.)
options for ZeroMQ (“zmq”) work manager (master or node):
--zmq-mode MODE

Operate as a master (server) or a node (workers/client). “server” is a deprecated synonym for “master” and “client” is a deprecated synonym for “node”.

--zmq-comm-mode COMM_MODE

Use the given communication mode – TCP or IPC (Unix-domain) – sockets for communication within a node. IPC (the default) may be more efficient but is not available on (exceptionally rare) systems without node-local storage (e.g. /tmp); on such systems, TCP may be used instead.

--zmq-write-host-info INFO_FILE

Store hostname and port information needed to connect to this instance in INFO_FILE. This allows the master and nodes assisting in coordinating the communication of other nodes to choose ports randomly. Downstream nodes read this file with –zmq-read-host-info and know where how to connect.

--zmq-read-host-info INFO_FILE

Read hostname and port information needed to connect to the master (or other coordinating node) from INFO_FILE. This allows the master and nodes assisting in coordinating the communication of other nodes to choose ports randomly, writing that information with –zmq-write-host-info for this instance to read.

--zmq-upstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint to which to send request/response (task and result) traffic toward the master.

--zmq-upstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to receive announcement (heartbeat and shutdown notification) traffic from the master.

--zmq-downstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to listen for request/response (task and result) traffic from subsidiary workers.

--zmq-downstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to send announcement (heartbeat and shutdown notification) traffic toward workers.

--zmq-master-heartbeat MASTER_HEARTBEAT

Every MASTER_HEARTBEAT seconds, the master announces its presence to workers.

--zmq-worker-heartbeat WORKER_HEARTBEAT

Every WORKER_HEARTBEAT seconds, workers announce their presence to the master.

--zmq-timeout-factor FACTOR

Scaling factor for heartbeat timeouts. If the master doesn’t hear from a worker in WORKER_HEARTBEAT*FACTOR, the worker is assumed to have crashed. If a worker doesn’t hear from the master in MASTER_HEARTBEAT*FACTOR seconds, the master is assumed to have crashed. Both cases result in shutdown.

--zmq-startup-timeout STARTUP_TIMEOUT

Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for communication between the master and at least one worker. This may need to be changed on very large, heavily-loaded computer systems that start all processes simultaneously.

--zmq-shutdown-timeout SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT

Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for workers to shut down.