

w_assign [-h] [-r RCFILE] [--quiet | --verbose | --debug] [--version]
               [--max-queue-length MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH] [-W WEST_H5FILE]
               [--bins-from-system | --bins-from-expr BINS_FROM_EXPR | --bins-from-function BINS_FROM_FUNCTION | --bins-from-file BINFILE | --bins-from-h5file]
               [--construct-dataset CONSTRUCT_DATASET | --dsspecs DSSPEC [DSSPEC ...]]
               [--states STATEDEF [STATEDEF ...] | --states-from-file STATEFILE |
               --states-from-function STATEFUNC] [-o OUTPUT] [--subsample] [--config-from-file]
               [--scheme-name SCHEME] [--serial | --parallel | --work-manager WORK_MANAGER]
               [--n-workers N_WORKERS] [--zmq-mode MODE] [--zmq-comm-mode COMM_MODE]
               [--zmq-write-host-info INFO_FILE] [--zmq-read-host-info INFO_FILE]
               [--zmq-upstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT] [--zmq-upstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT]
               [--zmq-downstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT] [--zmq-downstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT]
               [--zmq-master-heartbeat MASTER_HEARTBEAT] [--zmq-worker-heartbeat WORKER_HEARTBEAT]
               [--zmq-timeout-factor FACTOR] [--zmq-startup-timeout STARTUP_TIMEOUT]
               [--zmq-shutdown-timeout SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT]

Assign walkers to bins, producing a file (by default named “assign.h5”) which can be used in subsequent analysis.

For consistency in subsequent analysis operations, the entire dataset must be assigned, even if only a subset of the data will be used. This ensures that analyses that rely on tracing trajectories always know the originating bin of each trajectory.

Source data

Source data is provided either by a user-specified function (–construct-dataset) or a list of “data set specifications” (–dsspecs). If neither is provided, the progress coordinate dataset ‘’pcoord’’ is used.

To use a custom function to extract or calculate data whose probability distribution will be calculated, specify the function in standard Python MODULE.FUNCTION syntax as the argument to –construct-dataset. This function will be called as function(n_iter,iter_group), where n_iter is the iteration whose data are being considered and iter_group is the corresponding group in the main WEST HDF5 file (west.h5). The function must return data which can be indexed as [segment][timepoint][dimension].

To use a list of data set specifications, specify –dsspecs and then list the desired datasets one-by-one (space-separated in most shells). These data set specifications are formatted as NAME[,file=FILENAME,slice=SLICE], which will use the dataset called NAME in the HDF5 file FILENAME (defaulting to the main WEST HDF5 file west.h5), and slice it with the Python slice expression SLICE (as in [0:2] to select the first two elements of the first axis of the dataset). The slice option is most useful for selecting one column (or more) from a multi-column dataset, such as arises when using a progress coordinate of multiple dimensions.

Specifying macrostates

Optionally, kinetic macrostates may be defined in terms of sets of bins. Each trajectory will be labeled with the kinetic macrostate it was most recently in at each timepoint, for use in subsequent kinetic analysis. This is required for all kinetics analysis (w_kintrace and w_kinmat).

There are three ways to specify macrostates:

  1. States corresponding to single bins may be identified on the command line using the –states option, which takes multiple arguments, one for each state (separated by spaces in most shells). Each state is specified as a coordinate tuple, with an optional label prepended, as in bound:1.0 or unbound:(2.5,2.5). Unlabeled states are named stateN, where N is the (zero-based) position in the list of states supplied to –states.

  2. States corresponding to multiple bins may use a YAML input file specified with –states-from-file. This file defines a list of states, each with a name and a list of coordinate tuples; bins containing these coordinates will be mapped to the containing state. For instance, the following file:

      - label: unbound
          - [9.0, 1.0]
          - [9.0, 2.0]
      - label: bound
          - [0.1, 0.0]

    produces two macrostates: the first state is called “unbound” and consists of bins containing the (2-dimensional) progress coordinate values (9.0, 1.0) and (9.0, 2.0); the second state is called “bound” and consists of the single bin containing the point (0.1, 0.0).

  3. Arbitrary state definitions may be supplied by a user-defined function, specified as –states-from-function=MODULE.FUNCTION. This function is called with the bin mapper as an argument (function(mapper)) and must return a list of dictionaries, one per state. Each dictionary must contain a vector of coordinate tuples with key “coords”; the bins into which each of these tuples falls define the state. An optional name for the state (with key “label”) may also be provided.

Output format

The output file (-o/–output, by default “assign.h5”) contains the following attributes datasets:

``nbins`` attribute
  *(Integer)* Number of valid bins. Bin assignments range from 0 to
  *nbins*-1, inclusive.

``nstates`` attribute
  *(Integer)* Number of valid macrostates (may be zero if no such states are
  specified). Trajectory ensemble assignments range from 0 to *nstates*-1,
  inclusive, when states are defined.

``/assignments`` [iteration][segment][timepoint]
  *(Integer)* Per-segment and -timepoint assignments (bin indices).

``/npts`` [iteration]
  *(Integer)* Number of timepoints in each iteration.

``/nsegs`` [iteration]
  *(Integer)* Number of segments in each iteration.

``/labeled_populations`` [iterations][state][bin]
  *(Floating-point)* Per-iteration and -timepoint bin populations, labeled
  by most recently visited macrostate. The last state entry (*nstates-1*)
  corresponds to trajectories initiated outside of a defined macrostate.

``/bin_labels`` [bin]
  *(String)* Text labels of bins.

When macrostate assignments are given, the following additional datasets are present:

``/trajlabels`` [iteration][segment][timepoint]
  *(Integer)* Per-segment and -timepoint trajectory labels, indicating the
  macrostate which each trajectory last visited.

``/state_labels`` [state]
  *(String)* Labels of states.

``/state_map`` [bin]
  *(Integer)* Mapping of bin index to the macrostate containing that bin.
  An entry will contain *nbins+1* if that bin does not fall into a

Datasets indexed by state and bin contain one more entry than the number of valid states or bins. For N bins, axes indexed by bin are of size N+1, and entry N (0-based indexing) corresponds to a walker outside of the defined bin space (which will cause most mappers to raise an error). More importantly, for M states (including the case M=0 where no states are specified), axes indexed by state are of size M+1 and entry M refers to trajectories initiated in a region not corresponding to a defined macrostate.

Thus, labeled_populations[:,:,:].sum(axis=1)[:,:-1] gives overall per-bin populations, for all defined bins and labeled_populations[:,:,:].sum(axis=2)[:,:-1] gives overall per-trajectory-ensemble populations for all defined states.


This tool supports parallelized binning, including reading/calculating input data.

Command-line options

optional arguments:

-h, --help            show this help message and exit

general options:

-r RCFILE, --rcfile RCFILE
                      use RCFILE as the WEST run-time configuration file (default: west.cfg)
--quiet               emit only essential information
--verbose             emit extra information
--debug               enable extra checks and emit copious information
--version             show program's version number and exit

parallelization options:

--max-queue-length MAX_QUEUE_LENGTH
                      Maximum number of tasks that can be queued. Useful to limit RAM use for tasks
                      that have very large requests/response. Default: no limit.

WEST input data options:

-W WEST_H5FILE, --west-data WEST_H5FILE
                      Take WEST data from WEST_H5FILE (default: read from the HDF5 file specified in
binning options:

Bins are constructed by the system driver specified in the WEST configuration file (default where stored bin definitions not available).

--bins-from-expr BINS_FROM_EXPR, --binbounds BINS_FROM_EXPR

Construct bins on a rectilinear grid according to the given BINEXPR. This must be a list of lists of bin boundaries (one list of bin boundaries for each dimension of the progress coordinate), formatted as a Python expression. E.g. “[[0,1,2,4,inf],[-inf,0,inf]]”. The numpy module and the special symbol “inf” (for floating-point infinity) are available for use within BINEXPR.

--bins-from-function BINS_FROM_FUNCTION, --binfunc BINS_FROM_FUNCTION

Supply an external function which, when called, returns a properly constructed bin mapper which will then be used for bin assignments. This should be formatted as “[PATH:]MODULE.FUNC”, where the function FUNC in module MODULE will be used; the optional PATH will be prepended to the module search path when loading MODULE.

--bins-from-file BINFILE, --binfile BINFILE

Load bin specification from the YAML file BINFILE. This currently takes the form {‘bins’: {‘type’: ‘RectilinearBinMapper’, ‘boundaries’: [[boundset1], [boundset2], … ]}}; only rectilinear bin bounds are supported.


Load bin specification from the data file being examined (default where stored bin definitions available).

input dataset options:

--construct-dataset CONSTRUCT_DATASET
                      Use the given function (as in module.function) to extract source data. This
                      function will be called once per iteration as function(n_iter, iter_group) to
                      construct data for one iteration. Data returned must be indexable as
--dsspecs DSSPEC [DSSPEC ...]
                      Construct source data from one or more DSSPECs.

macrostate definitions:

--states STATEDEF [STATEDEF ...]
                      Single-bin kinetic macrostate, specified by a coordinate tuple (e.g. '1.0' or
                      '[1.0,1.0]'), optionally labeled (e.g. 'bound:[1.0,1.0]'). States corresponding
                      to multiple bins must be specified with --states-from-file.
--states-from-file STATEFILE
                      Load kinetic macrostates from the YAML file STATEFILE. See description above
                      for the appropriate structure.
--states-from-function STATEFUNC
                      Load kinetic macrostates from the function STATEFUNC, specified as
                      module_name.func_name. This function is called with the bin mapper as an
                      argument, and must return a list of dictionaries {'label': state_label,
                      'coords': 2d_array_like} one for each macrostate; the 'coords' entry must
                      contain enough rows to identify all bins in the macrostate.

other options:

-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      Store results in OUTPUT (default: assign.h5).
--subsample           Determines whether or not the data should be subsampled. This is rather useful
                      for analysing steady state simulations.
--config-from-file    Load bins/macrostates from a scheme specified in west.cfg.
--scheme-name SCHEME  Name of scheme specified in west.cfg.

parallelization options:

--serial              run in serial mode
--parallel            run in parallel mode (using processes)
--work-manager WORK_MANAGER
                      use the given work manager for parallel task distribution. Available work
                      managers are ('serial', 'threads', 'processes', 'zmq'); default is 'processes'
--n-workers N_WORKERS
                      Use up to N_WORKERS on this host, for work managers which support this option.
                      Use 0 for a dedicated server. (Ignored by work managers which do not support
                      this option.)
options for ZeroMQ (“zmq”) work manager (master or node):
--zmq-mode MODE

Operate as a master (server) or a node (workers/client). “server” is a deprecated synonym for “master” and “client” is a deprecated synonym for “node”.

--zmq-comm-mode COMM_MODE

Use the given communication mode – TCP or IPC (Unix-domain) – sockets for communication within a node. IPC (the default) may be more efficient but is not available on (exceptionally rare) systems without node-local storage (e.g. /tmp); on such systems, TCP may be used instead.

--zmq-write-host-info INFO_FILE

Store hostname and port information needed to connect to this instance in INFO_FILE. This allows the master and nodes assisting in coordinating the communication of other nodes to choose ports randomly. Downstream nodes read this file with –zmq-read-host-info and know where how to connect.

--zmq-read-host-info INFO_FILE

Read hostname and port information needed to connect to the master (or other coordinating node) from INFO_FILE. This allows the master and nodes assisting in coordinating the communication of other nodes to choose ports randomly, writing that information with –zmq-write-host-info for this instance to read.

--zmq-upstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint to which to send request/response (task and result) traffic toward the master.

--zmq-upstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to receive announcement (heartbeat and shutdown notification) traffic from the master.

--zmq-downstream-rr-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to listen for request/response (task and result) traffic from subsidiary workers.

--zmq-downstream-ann-endpoint ENDPOINT

ZeroMQ endpoint on which to send announcement (heartbeat and shutdown notification) traffic toward workers.

--zmq-master-heartbeat MASTER_HEARTBEAT

Every MASTER_HEARTBEAT seconds, the master announces its presence to workers.

--zmq-worker-heartbeat WORKER_HEARTBEAT

Every WORKER_HEARTBEAT seconds, workers announce their presence to the master.

--zmq-timeout-factor FACTOR

Scaling factor for heartbeat timeouts. If the master doesn’t hear from a worker in WORKER_HEARTBEAT*FACTOR, the worker is assumed to have crashed. If a worker doesn’t hear from the master in MASTER_HEARTBEAT*FACTOR seconds, the master is assumed to have crashed. Both cases result in shutdown.

--zmq-startup-timeout STARTUP_TIMEOUT

Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for communication between the master and at least one worker. This may need to be changed on very large, heavily-loaded computer systems that start all processes simultaneously.

--zmq-shutdown-timeout SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT

Amount of time (in seconds) to wait for workers to shut down.